Saturday, March 24, 2012

My (Very Unruly) Cat

Wait. Maybe I should rephrase that.   

Maybe it should read something like “My (Very Unruly) Feline Owner” because sometimes (well, almost all the time), really and truly my cat owns ME (not the other way around)!

Mr. M - the boss himself

I am quite the cat-person.  I’ve always felt like I needed a cat in my life.  Some may say that this is because I’ve never had a dog in my life.  And despite my great fondness of cats I still really wish that one day I’ll have my own canine friend.

The thing is this.  I’m starting to think that my cat is in on the whole “need-to-start-waking-up-early-so-that-my mornings-do-not-feel-like-a video-clip-stuck-on-FFWD (fast forward)-mode”.

I am also starting to become a very firm believer in this: 

You see.  My cat has an agenda all of his own.
  • He wakes (me) up consistently anywhere between 04.30-05.30.
  • He keeps to his diet by having breakfast as soon as he wakes (me) up. 
  • He (very obviously) feels the need to start off his day with a good dose of morning exercise; something which I for one have NEVER managed to succeed at!
  • He sticks to his routine 7 days a week, he doesn't take a break on weekends, public holidays or any other human excuse for a break.
Oh GOD! I think I am even starting to become jealous of his disciplined ways! Did I really just admit that? Jealous of my own CAT’S DISCIPLINED WAYS?!?!

Time to recompose myself.

SO, in essence, I have two ways of looking at this.  Either my cat has human abilities and is trying to discipline me to become a bit more like him.   

The other option would be.... well to be honest  I’d rather not explore any other options, lest I figure out some other secret motive/conspiracy of his!

One positive consequence of my cat's early bird attitude is that on some very rare occasions I succumb to his ways and end up starting the day as early or a bit later than him.  And its on these days that I really get to appreciate the stillness and calm that early mornings have to offer :)

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